Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Kidz Club Garden

Easter Wreath

What you need:
1) Colored Paper
2) Foam circle
3) Foam Easter Stickers

How to make:
1) Trace hand prints onto colored paper and cut out
2) Glue to foam circle
3) Add decorations
4) Hand with string

Very Hairy Caterpillar

What You Need:
1) Knee high nylon
2) Potting Soil
3) Grass Seed
4) Google eyes
5) Colored hair bands
6) Pipe Cleaners

How To Make:
1) Put handful of grass into toe of nylon, then one handful soil (repeat steps until nylon full)
2) Tie off end of nylon
3) Section off nylon into segments with rubber bands
4) Glue on eyes
5) Use pipe cleaners to make antennae
6) Water & keep in sunny window
7) Will need to keep soil moist but not sopping wet for grass seed to grow