Stepping Stones:
What you need:
1. Stepping Stone frame which can be bought at Hobby Lobby or Michaels
2. Quikrette Vinyl Concrete Patcher 40 lb bag
3. Cardboard
4. Water
5. Stepping Stone letters which can be bought at Hobby Lobby or Michaels
6. Mosaic tiles
7. Something to mix concrete in
8. Rubber gloves
9. Flat surface outside
What to do:
1. Have parents take and mix concrete with water. Concrete should be thick enough that it does not stick to sides of container easily. Do not make to watery or the stepping stone will take extra long to dry.
2. Place the stepping stone form onto the cardboard.
3. Scoop concrete into the form using a cup or old cottage cheese containers work well.
4. Level the concrete in the form. Leave form on while putting letters on and mosaic tiles.
5. Let sit for a couple minutes.
6. If you have letters that you want to use in the concrete get them ready while you let the concrete set for a few minutes.
7. Place the stepping stone letters onto the concrete and push down on them. Pull out and it will leave the letter.
8. If you mess up take and flatten out surface of concrete and do again.
9. Place mosaic tiles in the concrete.
10. When done pull form off. Do not move stepping stone for a few hours.
11. Let stepping stone dry for 48 hours.
12. If outside cover with plastic garbage bag to keep moisture in.
13. After 48 hours can remove from the cardboard and put outside.