How To Make This Craft
What you need:

What to do:

- Small Clay Pot
- Acrylic Paint
- Paint Brush
- Small Plastic Saucer or Clay Saucer
- Hot Glue Gun (Parents Use Only)
- Any Other Decorations
What to do:
- Take the clay pot and turn it upside down so that the bottom is facing up.
- Paint the clay pot any color you want and add decorations.
- If using a clay saucer top you can paint the outside of the saucer, but do not paint the inside of the saucer. (Birds can become sick from the paint.)
- The bottom of the saucer and the bottom of the clay pot need to be hot glued together. (Have your parents do this so you don't get hurt.)
- Can use the bird bath outside with water in it or you can turn it into a bird feeder. Instead of putting water in it put bird seed in it.